
Any information supplied by Safa Food Limited in relation to food legislation or contents it is intended to act as a guide. It is not a legal interpretation nor does it constitute legal or professional advice. It is the responsibility of individual food business operators to ensure full compliance with the law.

Safa Food Pitta Naan Wraps Packaging

Private Labeling

Focus on building and growing your brand while leaving production in our capable hands. We can also help you introduce a truly bespoke product.

Safa Food Pitta Naan Wraps Image


We can produce large quantities of our full product range on short notice and offer same & next day delivery as well.

Restaurent waiters serving

Food Service Industry Supply

Whether you’re a family owned restaurant or an established franchise, you can count on us to deliver excellence each and every day.

Safa Food bread

Product Development

Our expert Product Development team is at your disposal to explore options and craft recipes unique to your business.

Want to work with us?

Get in touch today to discuss your business’s needs and get a quote.

Get in touch
Safa Food Pitta Naan Wraps Image